
Enroll anytime. Enjoy live, monthly virtual group coaching for 12 months and walk away positioned to lead your team successfully.


You may be experiencing similar challenges that many people leaders go through.

  • You have a team but you have no idea how to work efficiently and effectively with them.
  • You have no idea how to get the information from your mind to your team members.
  • You are starting to resent the business or role you used to love.

At some point, many realize, they don’t have to do it all on their own

Have you placed on your stock into figuring it out on your own instead of seeking help?

It doesn’t have to stay that way.

women group


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This program is perfect for the busy CEO and their leadership team.

For the overworked people leader struggling to keep up with the demands of leading people, we offer an online and self-paced program with bite-sized lessons to empower you with practical leadership skills and competencies needed to effectively and confidently lead people.

Every week, you can learn a simple leadership strategy that is sustainable and scalable with the support you need to reach business goals consistently. You just need to bet on yourself to grow. Being successful can happen as quickly as you want to — you just have to decide to operate with a team of supporters who can cheer you on and help you with a strategy.

Our Leadership Framework 

The program coaches on the Empowered Team Formula called F.U.E.L.S. to guide you on how to create or refine your team culture, with the goal of transforming it into an empowering and productive experience for you and your staff. 

Empowered Team Fuel Formula3



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PROVEN leadership BEST PRACTICES IN EACH VIDEO LESSON written by experts



Learn from experienced leadership coaches who have written the content. You can read and act on each video lesson in 15 minutes, at a time you choose each week.

Enjoy the tools and templates included in each lesson to help you reflect and apply the learning to your environment and help make your job easier as a leader. 

Use the DISC Leadership Assessment or Team Effectiveness Survey to identify exactly what you and/or your team need to do to improve.




In between group coaching calls, post leadership and team related questions, upload leadership projects for feedback, and get insights from experienced leadership coaches and your peers. 

Leverage live calls with a leadership coach to ask in-person questions and get advice on day-to-day issues and how to apply leadership skills.  All calls are confidential.

Share experiences, exchange ideas, and benefit from the collective wisdom of a supportive leadership network. 

Set To Lead LAP Benefits


Leadership development is not a one time event.  So, we built in several vehicles in the program to help you learn, apply, and sustain the Empower Team Formula.

Your enrollment includes 12 month access to a video leadership lessons that teach you the Empowered Team Formula™ which is a leadership framework then helps you put leadership into practice with actionable homework. You will learn to:

• Assess your strengths and those of your team so you know where to focus at any given time in your career or business

• Develop the mindset of a true leader so you taking ownership of your leadership role and build a leadership legacy

• Build relationships for influence, trust and respect while growing the business

• Create a clear vision & strategy along with key performance & behavioral metrics for your team so you’re all moving in the same direction

• Empower your team through delegation so that you neither micromanage OR macro manage

• Grow as leader by navigating tough conversations and creating next-level standards for a positive culture & highly motivated team

• Accessing tools, templates + other resources that you can start using right away to save a ton of time and guesswork as you implement the framework in your day to day

You get immediate access to 12 group coaching calls when you enroll. As you work through the leadership framework and start applying it to your role, you’ll naturally come across challenges unique to you , your team and your workplace which is why we’re here to support you through that process. During the live monthly calls, we will

• Discuss your current challenges and provide personalized coaching + guidance to help you find the clarity you need to lead yourself and/or your team effectively

• Answer any hypothetical questions you have about how you’d apply something you learned in a specific scenario

• Learn from what the other leaders are being coached on in the session and be encouraged by the reminder that you’re not in this alone

• Be held accountable to doing the work you committed to in the previous call so you’re constantly being pushed to achieve your full leadership potential

• Provide encouragement from a leadership coach who understands your struggles because they’ve lived them!

• Play out real life scenarios in a safe environment so you feel equipped to handle them in real life

• Practice having difficult or delicate conversations so you become a better (and more empathetic) listener + communicator

• Practice thinking and making decisions like a leader

A week as a leader can sometimes feel like an eternity. To make sure you’ve got both practical and emotional support between monthly live calls, you’ll be part of a program discussion forum. This is where you can request guidance on how to navigate challenges that can’t wait until the next live monthly call.

• Ask your new leadership tribe for feedback or recommendations on something specific – software to structuring a conversation

• Share about team management challenges you’re going through with like-minded leaders who have similar experiences and concerns

• Get much-needed pep talks on demand

• Celebrate your leadership wins + breakthroughs that you experience throughout the program so we can celebrate with you!


You’ll receive bite-size, highly actionable, animated video lessons, reflection and application activities, and tons of tools and templates that will help you apply the learning right away. Live group coaching options are scheduled monthly and can be renewed yearly.

1. How to Define Your Leadership Legacy

Your leadership legacy reflects how you use your gifts and abilities to make a difference in the lives of others.  Learn about what aspects you should consider and how you will put your values into practice.

2. How to Define Expectations for Your Role

Setting expectations is one of the basic fundamentals of leadership; yet many leaders fail to do this very important step effectively. Learn how to set role expectations for yourself and your team. The more time you invest on the front end, the more effective your team will be when it is in operations mode.

3. How to Define and Select the Right Management Style

Leadership style is not about good/bad, right/wrong: leadership style depends on the task, people and situation to be managed. Review the different styles and find what works best for your specific work situations.

4. How to Prioritize Your Time

Stay on top of all your to-do lists. Learn how to use a priority matrix to help you identify what needs to be done. Move tasks around based on how important or urgent and become more productive and efficient. Have an overview of where you need to focus your attention in the short-term and in the long run.

5. How to Define Team Guidelines

Conflicts in teams about how to work are common. There are expectations from team members on each other that aren’t being met. Learn how to explicitly define team member roles and working agreements. Instead of dealing with conflict after the fact, you start with discussion and agreement.

6. How to Create Meaningful Goals

Learn how to create meaningful goals that produce transformative results.  Walk through a goal creation framework that clearly explains how to achieve goals and when you’ve achieved them.

7. How to Share Meaningful Feedback 

Learn about the art of sharing feedback while keeping team member esteem and inspiring behavioral change.

8. How to Manage Change Effectively

Is your team feeling de-motivated as a result of shifting strategies, shifting structures, and fewer resources? Review this leadership lesson and walk through a strategy that will involve stakeholders, deal with resistance, communicate, and build buy-in to make change stick.

9. How to Delegate Effectively

Learn how to delegate to get work off your plate so you can work on more strategic affairs. 

10. How to Manage Conflict

11. How to Manage Stress

Bonus: ChatGPT Ready Made Prompts for Business

Bonus: The Best Quarter Ever Success Blueprint

Bonus: New Hire Onboarding Toolkit

Bonus: Zapier for System Automation



  • Unclear about your plan for team growth


  • A leader with a team that is ineffective


  • A do-it-yourself mindset that struggles to maintain


  • Crystal clear on where you and your team are headed


  • A leader with a self-sufficient, empowered, and motivated team


  • A firm mindset that can easily handle growing without falling apart


What You Get


Realize your full leadership potential at the best price. Your business and team will love you for it. 


Is there a start and finish date?

The program is designed so you can start when you’re ready rather than having to wait for a specific start date. So when you join, your 12 months of live group coaching and support will officially begin, plus you’ll be given access to the online training portion that you can dive into immediately. Access to the training and the group coaching lasts for only 12 months. At the end of the 12-month period, you can renew membership.

Is it too late to course correct on some of the mistakes I have made leading?

Whether you’re worried about the work that’s piled up, the conversations you botched or the overall impression you’ve been making, it’s completely within your power to turn things around. And from practical guidance to pep talks, with the help of the program, it’ll be a lot less stressful while you do so!