Mitigate Toxic Vibes in the Workplace

Toxic employees in the workplace bring negative behaviors that tax your sanity and your health.  They lurk or reside near your cubicle as supervisors, direct reports, coworkers, or even a vendor. Unfortunately, you can’t change people.  The best chance you have to keep your sanity and preserve your health is to create a strategy to mitigate the misery.  There are a few approaches you can leverage to reduce the drama of stressful situations.

Reframe Your Thinking

You can’t change people but you do have the power to change yourself.  Avoid dwelling on how the other person or people can change.  Ask yourself, “what can I do differently in this situation?”

Patience Is Golden

It takes 14 days to start a habit and just as long to end one.  All situations are not resolved quickly.  Be patient on getting resolution and understand that problems surface when there may be more to it at the root. 

It’s Not Always about You

The problem is not always related to you.  Your colleague may have just yelled at you but it could just be an after effect of not getting enough sleep the night before. 

Harness Your Communication Skills

If you are in a work situation where toxic behavior is negatively impacting your success, take time to confront the situation in a positive manner.  Schedule time to discuss the matter with the individuals in question.  Preserve self-esteem throughout the conversation in word and tone.  Seek win-win solutions.  Make time to share and listen to each other.  Try not to place anyone on the defensive by pointing fingers.  Use the following formula to share your concern.  “When you <action>, it makes me feel <emotion> like <result of the action>.

Coordinate Your Style

Be sensitive to other people’s styles and how they like to work.  When you get to understanding their communication style, you can sometimes adjust your approach to get a more productive relationship. 

Document Negative Behaviors

Take time to carefully note what happens, when, and how it impacts the work you do.  Don’t make it personal. 

Are Millennials Leadership Ready?

63% of Millennials have obtained a college degree but are they ready to lead at work? When surveyed, 30% or Millennials felt they weren’t prepared to handle difficult employees, build relationships, motivate others, and conflict resolution that occur in the workforce.  This is according to a new report about Millennial work readiness in the academics industry. As an organization or leader, there are several ways you can address this issue.  Consider the following:

  1. Use mentoring to reinforce soft skills needed on the job
  2. Consider lateral promotions when upward mobility is not an option
  3. Explain how a Millennial’s role connects to the bigger picture
  4. Coach continually and in the moment
  5. Create project-based roles opposed to hierarchical roles
  6. Provide formal and informal learning opportunities to learn soft skills

Learn more on how you can prepare Millennials to grow and meet leadership demands.

3 Strategies to Get to The Next Level

Focus on the Right Targets
If you want to get on the fast track to career promotion, you have to look for opportunities to shine and make a difference.  Avoid focusing on opportunities to shine that are not relevant to the organization.  Your goal should be to align whatever you do to the company goals and solve a problem. If you don’t know if you are aligned, start by reading the company’s annual report.  You are bound to find a few company strategic initiatives that are listed there.  Use this knowledge to have a meaningful discussion with your manager.  Confirm your findings and discuss how you can better help the company succeed with any of the initiatives. 

Be Transparent About What You Want
Don’t assume your manager knows what you want to do with your career future.  Let your manager know that you want to take your role to the next level.  Suggest ways that you believe that can be accomplished.  Ask for their input on what next level success looks like for your role.  Agree on next steps on how you can get there.     

Stay Connected
You never want to be disconnected in terms of knowledge and the inner dynamics of an organization.  Connect with colleagues across functions and in different levels of the organization.  Take the time to invite someone for a cup of tea, chat for a moment at someone’s cube, and be consistent with maintaining that relationship.  Who you know can give you the extra leverage, information, or exposure you need to get to where you need to be.