Are Millennials Leadership Ready?

63% of Millennials have obtained a college degree but are they ready to lead at work? When surveyed, 30% or Millennials felt they weren’t prepared to handle difficult employees, build relationships, motivate others, and conflict resolution that occur in the workforce.  This is according to a new report about Millennial work readiness in the academics industry. As an organization or leader, there are several ways you can address this issue.  Consider the following:

  1. Use mentoring to reinforce soft skills needed on the job
  2. Consider lateral promotions when upward mobility is not an option
  3. Explain how a Millennial’s role connects to the bigger picture
  4. Coach continually and in the moment
  5. Create project-based roles opposed to hierarchical roles
  6. Provide formal and informal learning opportunities to learn soft skills

Learn more on how you can prepare Millennials to grow and meet leadership demands.

DARE Leadership Challenge

Studies show that many leaders who fail do not fail because they can’t get the work out.  They fail because they damage people in the process and fail to keep their minds fresh.  Don’t let this happen to you. Stay fit and sharp for the role you are in and deliver a remarkable experience (D.A.R.E.) and dare to implement leadership moves that have ultimate impact. As you participate in this leadership challenge experience, select one or several suggested actions weekly and transform yourself and your team for good.

Leave your comments below and keep the rest of the challengers informed of your successes, your challenges, and any feedback.  Everyone in the community can learn from one another and push towards greater success in their personal and professional lives.  If you want to send a private comment, go the Contact Us page and send us a private update.

Best wishes on staying committed to the challenge!