Finding Ways to Connect with Your Team

Everyone has a desire to be wanted and accepted.  The more that desire is fed the easier it becomes for that person to feel connected.  When you are connected, things flow and you feel good.  You want to be in the situation.  You want to talk.  You want to engage.  You want to learn and do more.  Think about the last time you connected with someone or something.  How did it make you feel? I am sure it was positive.  Those adjectives are the same ones you want your team members to have. 

I recently attended a family wedding and got an opportunity to catch up with cousins who hadn’t seen me in a long while.  It was so easy to strike a conversation because of what we had in common.  We talked about family.  Team members don’t mind if you take the time to find out a little about them, like where they went to school, their pet name, their hobbies, etc.  Make it a point to discover one thing about each team member that you can use to connect with them each time you have dialogue with them.  Find common ground and you will get further in creating rapport and relationship with them. 

Sometimes building rapport can be intrusive.  When you don’t know someone well and you bombard them with a slew of questions it can be turn someone off.  Think of ways that you can ease into this and make it more natural.

11 Common Skill Gaps For New Hires Out of College

Nearly 64,000 managers in a recent 2016 survey by Payscale & Future Workplace felt new hires out of college lacked skills for success in the workplace. It’s disheartening after sharing a small fortune with a university that you or someone you know could come out unprepared.  Take a look at some of the numbers described in this survey.  Out of 14,000 recent graduates, many were missing the following skills.

Critical Thinking/Problem Solving     60%
 Attention to Detail   56%
 Communication   46%
 Ownership     44%
 Leadership      44%
 Writing Proficiency   44% 
 Public Speaking  39%
 Data Analysis  36%
 Interpersonal Skills/Teamwork   36%
 Industry Specific Software     34%
Math       19%
Design   14%

Source.  “Leveling Up:  How to Win in the Skills Economy.”

How Much Is Talent Acquisition Watching You?

It’s a little creepy but as a professional you are being watched.  The phenomena called social media is a major tool used by employers to confirm your background and qualifications.  According to a survey by Harris Poll on behalf of Career Builders, 60% of employers use social networking sites to research job candidates. 

52 percent of the time the information gathered encourages the employer to make an offer.  Unfortunately, 48 percent of the time information accumulated helps the employer not make you a job offer.  The scale is tipped in your favor when background data confirms your job qualifications or when your personal website showcases a stellar professional image.